Art Therapy and Disney:

Healing and Finding Peace and Joy with Meaghan Heeks. EP 29/

This week we talked with Meaghan Heeks, a passionate registered Art Therapist, and a multi-talented individual. Join us as we delve into the world of art therapy, Disney, and the joy of creativity. Meaghan shares her insights on finding peace and joy through art, music, and her love for all things Disney. Discover how Meaghan's diverse interests, including spooky season, theme parks, and her Etsy shop - all contribute to her unique perspective on healing and creativity.

Some of the things we discussed:

  • The difference between Art Therapy and Therapeutic art making.

  • Creating as a way to express and not for the product but for the experience & expression.

  • Destroying artwork as part of a ritual - aka viking funerals!

  • Her love of Disney, how she owns who she is and what she loves.

  • How she imagines being a sponge for other people's energy/projections and her practice in ‘wringing’ out the sponge. 

    Loovvvve this description… we can all use this when imagining our undefined or open centers in our HD chart!

Our two biggest takeaways from our conversation with Meaghan is that overall - we feel smarter and more joyful. She has such a beautiful energy and her knowledge about mental health, disabilities and her passion for helping others left us feeling inspired. 

Tune in to explore the intersection of art therapy, Disney, and the pursuit of happiness with Meaghan Heeks

or keep scrolling for more of what we discussed in this weeks episode.

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Coloring Book

Paint Markers

Water Color Pencils


Fre Alcohol removed wine

I tried the Red Blend & the Champagne and they were so good! I did not miss the alcohol at all. Let me know if you try them!

Red Blend




Variety Pack

Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpea Soup

I made a couple substitutions, I didn’t have potatoes so I added a second can of chickpeas in place of potatoes. I then blended them and added back into the soup. I left the whole amount (instead of half) of the roasted chickpeas & cauliflower for consistency. I also swapped out half a can of coconut milk for the heavy cream to keep it dairy free! So so good, let me know if you try it!

The Name Game

I tried finding the rules with no luck, so I’ll do my best to write them out… it’s truly such a fun, easy game to play with a group of people!

Items needed:

  • Pens -1 per person (same color is best)

  • Small strips of paper- 1 per person

  • Bowl or basket to collect papers in

First choose a topic. We typically start with celebrity but can be anything- movie titles, song titles, animals, cheese… use your imagination!

Once a topic has been chosen everyone writes a name on their slip of paper. Once done fold it up and add it to the bowl.

When everyone has handed in their papers one person reads all the names. Then puts the slips back in the bowl, you don’t get to look at them again so the goal is to remember all the names that were listed.

Whoever read the names gets to try and guess who wrote what name. Example: Fiona read all the names and she is going to guess which celebrity Maureen wrote down. If Fiona guesses correctly Maureen joins her team and then Maureen’s turn to try and guess another player. If Maureen guesses correctly that person joins her team, if she is incorrect the person does not join the team and they now have a chance to guess another name.

Every time someone guesses correctly, whoever they guessed joins their team. If that person has a team, their whole team joins. Back to our example above: If player 4 who has a team of three people guesses Fiona’s name correctly Fiona’s whole team join player 4’s team.

Keep guessing until everyone’s name has been guessed. The last player who has not had their name guessed wins that round. No need to keep score, just start a new round!

I hope these are easy to understand, let me know if you have questions.

Enjoy the listen, we hope you are inspired to find the things that bring you joy.

xo Fiona & Mo


Psychic and Energy Healing:


2024 Astrology Forecast: