Quitting your job,

Releasing limiting beliefs and the practice of fully accepting yourself. EP 2/

In todays episode we chat with Mo's step mom, Amy Sullivan about the importance of releasing limiting beliefs & how that has impacted Amy. From quitting her job to focusing on entrepreneurial ventures - like acting and writing, Amy shares her wisdom on self acceptance and why it's so important to honor where you are at. We absolutely loved chatting with this strong, funny and inspirational woman!

Amy Sullivan is a coach, facilitator and organizational development change management professional. She has worked in the corporate world in HR, as an organizational development consultant, a recruiter, administrator and writer. She also loves acting and takes to the stage regularly in productions all over Honolulu, where she currently lives. She also happens to be Maureen’s supportive, funny, strong, loving, creative, introspective step-mom!


Career, motherhood


Spirituality, embracing change