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Embracing Your Divine Worthiness:
Podcast Fiona and Mo Podcast Fiona and Mo

Embracing Your Divine Worthiness:

In this episode of "Mystically Inclined" Susan Mojo shares her personal journey of self-discovery and resilience, offering guidance on embracing your divine worthiness and navigating life transitions. Drawing from her experiences of rebuilding after a major setback and receiving divine guidance to expand her services, Mojo provides valuable insights and wisdom for women in the midst of various life changes.

Join Mojo as she discusses the process of finding your true gifts and using them to serve others, emphasizing the importance of embracing worthiness and manifesting your desires. As a woman in her 60s, Mojo continues to evolve, learn, and share her divine knowledge with her listeners. Through speaking and writing, she is dedicated to connecting with women like you and helping you uncover your true potential. Whether you're seeking guidance, inspiration, or practical advice, Mojo looks forward to sharing her wisdom and supporting you on your path to self-discovery and empowerment in this transformative episode.

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Releasing negative emotions
Podcast Fiona and Mo Podcast Fiona and Mo

Releasing negative emotions

Through intuitive readings, energy healing, educational books & classes sharing insights spiritual gifts and sound therapy with shamanic medicine, Hollie guides her clients to identify and release trapped negative filters, beliefs and traumas in order to allow a new level of self-awareness and permanent results. She is open about her traumas and her own work and we loved talking with her!

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Path to growth, well-being & peace
Podcast Fiona and Mo Podcast Fiona and Mo

Path to growth, well-being & peace

Angela Stevens (BA, CH, RYT, RMT) has always been a healer and drawn to a spiritual way of life for as long as she can remember. There has always been this strong sense of knowing within her and a drive to help others and be of service.  

Early on, she earned a degree in Psychology and went right into being a Social Worker after college.  For 19 years,  she worked for the state in various positions in our child welfare system.  She served children and families with extensive needs and challenges. That work for her was soul stretching and led her to deep reflection on the relationship she had with herself. 

 It also allowed her an opportunity to tune in to what she needed to do to take care of her body, mind and spirit. 

Yoga, Meditation, Hypnosis, Reiki and Chair Tai Chi became an integral part of her own self care and after seeing the benefits of these practices, she decided to obtain certifications with the hope to help others on their journey to wellness. These incredible practices shift our thinking, bring us to calm and let us tap into our unique gifts and strengths. They also allow us to get to the root of our issues and release past experiences that we may be holding.  

She invites you to open up to these practices too and watch your own transformation unfold.

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Quitting your job,
Podcast Fiona and Mo Podcast Fiona and Mo

Quitting your job,

In todays episode we chat with Mo's step mom, Amy Sullivan about the importance of releasing limiting beliefs & how that has impacted Amy. From quitting her job to focusing on entrepreneurial ventures - like acting and writing, Amy shares her wisdom on self acceptance and why it's so important to honor where you are at. We absolutely loved chatting with this strong, funny and inspirational woman!

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Spirituality, embracing change
Podcast Fiona and Mo Podcast Fiona and Mo

Spirituality, embracing change

In this episode, we talk to ESPN's, Wendi Nix all about coping strategies and how to embrace change. We touch on everything from challenges of parenting teens to how to gracefully (or not so gracefully) make shifts in career. We discuss gaining self-awareness through spirituality, astrology and even have a fun tarot card pull! And of course, Wendi weighs in on our Lazy Debate.

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